• Welcome
    Thank you for taking the time to find out about us. We pride ourselves on being a friendly and open school that offers a high quality education for all our children in a safe, happy and caring environment.
  • Curriculum
    The learning curriculum at Acorn House balances a challenging and in-depth study of both the English and Italian curriculum, providing every student with a rich and challenging bilingual programme of studies.
  • Mission and philosophy
    Acorn House believes that every child has a right to the best education possible and aims to develop both intellect and character, nurturing the development of conscientious and responsible global citizens, as well as life-long learners.
  • Educational Trips
    Learning outside the classroom is about raising achievements through an organised, powerful approach to learning in which direct experience is of prime importance. This is not only about what we learn but importantly how and where we learn

Acorn House Numbers at a Glance

Years of Service
Acres Park
Percent Passionate Staff

Our beautiful new green campus, which is currently under construction, provides a balanced environment between classroom and laboratory spaces and meaningful outdoor experiences. We believe in the blended approach of nature-inspired learning and cutting-edge technologies

What people say

  • Lidia Schlosser
    "Teachers belonging to both curricula show excellent team-work skills and children are supported to grow and reach their maximum potential not only academically but also emotionally and socially"
  • Simona Ponzi
    At Acorn House both the academic and educational system as a whole works really well, students learn and study a lot, but at the same time they also carry out many stimulating activities that help nurture their curiosity and attention, and therefore further aid their learning"
  • Dunja Crusen
    "My son Leo found in your school such a beautiful, caring, nurturing and loving environment. Teachers and assistants are all wonderful, and we are very grateful that Leo was able to grow and have fun at your school."
  • Cristina Ferilli
    "Acorn House offers great attention to every single student taking into account each diverse personality. Children learn to collaborate and understand the importance of helping others. Thanks to this year 5 students grew very close to each other. The Head teacher, the teachers and all the staff make Acorn House a great place for students to grow."

Upcoming Events

Fri Apr 19
Fri Apr 19
Mon Apr 29





Valuable articles from our teachers

Students Showcase

The Showcases are a compilation of the original work of our students. Our emphasis is on students as individuals. Students' needs are catered for as flexibly as possible using our wide variety of teaching techniques and learning resources.

    Salviamo i dialetti
    March 28, 2024
    Vittoria T.
    A cura di Vittoria, Lorenzo e Ivan - I dialetti e le cutlure locali minacciano di scomparire per sempre. Come conservare l'unicità di ogni luogo o regione? Alcuni giovani hanno...
    Ospedali italiani accolgono bambini di Gaza
    March 27, 2024
    Annalù D.
    A cura di: Annalù, Tommaso e Luca - L'Italia apre le proprie porte e accoglie decine di bambini da Gaza. Una piaga che affligge i nostri giorni quella della guerra...
    Amore o gelosia patologica?
    March 14, 2024
    Lara Lioce
    A cura di Cecilia, Maria Vittoria e Diego - La violenza sulle donne è un tema molto sentito e oggi anche le scuole si mobilitano per sensibilizzare i ragazzi sull'argomento....
    Ragazzi, leggete!
    May 16, 2023
    Lara Lioce
    Greta S. ci spiega quali sono le abitudini in Europa per quel che concerne la lettura: i giovani italiani sono tra quelli che leggono di meno, ma la pandemia ha...
    Vittime dell'indifferenza
    May 15, 2023
    Lara Lioce
    Leonilde P. ci spiega che gli sbarchi di immigrati, in particolare quelli che avvengono in italia, portano a un’elevata quantità di morti. L’esempio più drammatico e recente è la tragedia...
    Einstein (Year 9) podcasts on Water, our most important resource.
    April 27, 2023
    Stephen William Gale
    Listen to the lovely voices and charming insights of our wonderful Year 9 girls on the topic of water. Water is by far the most important resource for humanity –...
    I social media nelle scuole, un nuovo metodo di apprendimento
    October 15, 2022
    Lara Lioce
    In che modo i social media possono aiutare e supportare l'apprendimento? Possiamo immaginare un futuro scolastico con i social network? Interessante testo argomentativo sviluppato, a partire da un dibattito in...
    TG – Acorn House – Y7 – 2021-22
    July 8, 2022
    Lara Lioce
    Alla Acorn House International, scuola secondaria di I grado bilingue, si alternano i curricula inglese e italiano. Proprio nel dialogo tra le due lingue e culture, è nato il Progetto...